Dear Friends and Fellow Partners in Change
Namaste and welcome to the REXperience. The REX CONCLive formerly named the ‘RIGHT every WRONG CONCLAVE’ is the foremost wisdom and ‘culture-tainment’ forum that inspires and rekindles our moJOsh or the driving force to be the change we seek in our society.
The Rex CONCLive was launched in 2006 and has been driving change with simple ideas for action ever since. A number of these ideas which were popularized at the Rex CONCLives have become huge movements today. Over the past few years, we have created a powerful momentum to address issues of pressing importance for the society at large.
Ideas discussed at the REX forum over the years, have led to action for educational reforms, climate change, humane capitalism, dignity for people living with HIV etc. A case in point is when we initiated the idea for action for electoral reforms for the betterment of our governance and political system in 2008 with two former Chief Election Commissioners -Mr. James Michael Lyngdoh and Mr. Krishnamurthy as our patrons . This journey of four years led to a policy document on electoral reforms created by electoral reform experts from across the globe. Several ideas from the document are being implemented phase wise after we handed the document to CEC Mr. S. Y Quraishi in early 2012.
Another issue we are particularly proud of was fight against corruption led by us in partnership with the UN, much before the ‘India against Corruption’ campaign was conceptualised. The difference between the two campaigns lay in the fact that we worked silently and chose not to come out on to the streets or create a media hype. We adhered to an ethical process of leading change slowly but surely, and the struggle continues.
Other initiatives were :-
The Citizen Action Day which we celebrate on the anniversary of 26/11 wherein we work with the citizens of all age groups, to clean the streets of India and help propagate the need for citizens to fulfill their fundamental duties in order to enjoy their fundamental rights.
The Keeda Hai Kya Campaign wherein we triggered and inspired the Swachh Bharat aMission to clean India.
The portal which is the first citizen reporting and whistle-blowing news and views portal
The portal announced on the international anti-corruption Day at a UN organized program in 2011, to provide weaponry for citizens to fight corruption every day.
The Reclaim People Power Campaign in Goa to cleanse public offices undesirable elements who were elected to the office. This campaign is now being adapted in several other states.
The REX CONCLiVE, has inspired cutting edge ideas for action every year. As we move into our twelfth year, we have a vision of creating the biggest wisdom and ‘culture-tainment’ forum in the world on principles of austerity, simplicity and credibility by always keeping the forum free of any unethical funding and a place where everyone can speak their mind, share genuine thoughts and truths without any censorship.
We look forward to suitably accomplished people to work with REX to curate potential REX fellows who will carry forward the legacy of the REX Forum. We believe that you have right profile and skill sets to be our Curator and would therefore look forward to your support and participation as we move towards our Vision for REX-2018. It is a pleasure and honor having all of you as a part of our REX, Karmaveer and iCONGO family. Together as ONE we can RIGHT every WRONG.
Jai Hind and Warm regards
Jeroninio Almeida