Rex Guiding Principles
In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
~Albert Schweitzer
A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us.Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Nobody is able to achieve this completely but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.
~ Albert Einstein – (1879 – 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate
The courage of conviction to inspire 250 million Indians to fight for freedom.
~Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)
The compassion to embrace all those the world has chosen to leave behind.
~Mother Teresa (Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu)
Thought leadership they say is based on youthful righteousness – the openness to risk group rejection, in the pursuit of a better way of doing things.
At REX the to be chosen for the fellowship or a talk, the idea should not be random for just getting an award or giving a TALK (i.e. it should not just be theoretical or dysfunctional) or just for monetizing through valuation, but about how the idea for action can ADD VALUE and make a difference for the greater good of humanity, society, environment and the world we live in.
At REX unlike other forums, we encourage chosen fellows and speakers to talk on socio-political-economic issues and other concerns without any censorship.
Our ethos – Not Just Talks, Ideas for Action – because REX (which means KING in Latin) is the King of Knowledge Forums where we churn KINGSIZE THOUGHT LEADERSHIP for POSITIVE CHANGE.
At REX CONCLiVE, TRUE STORIES and REAL IDEAS are brought to LIFE and kept ALiVE through the year/s, collectively by all our moJOsh Inspirators.
Every year at REX, we do not just present cool performers or speakers who do the razzmatazz with gimmicks and rehearsed speeches, but curate conscientious global citizens who TALK THE TALK, TALK THE WALK, WALK THE TALK and WALK THE WALK and simply stand-up and share their TRUE STORIES AND INSPIRATIONAL IDEAS. These are people who believe in PLAIN SPEAKING FROM THE HEART and leave you SPEECHLESS with their moJOsh.
Given below are our Guiding Principles at REX.
Our Vision Mantra
Our dream is the creation of a better, safer, egalitarian, just, humane and responsible society, nation and world.
Our Mission Mantra
We encourage social justice by inspiring citizen action!
At REX we inspire people to act on their ideas and to make a difference in the society/ community/ world we live in.
Our Contribution Mantra
Feel, Experience and Spread THE JOY OF GIVING to experience true happiness and real inner. -joy
Neuroscience has proven that to produce, promote and preserve the 4 happiness chemicals in our brains, volunteering and service towards humanity and community, is the most essential imperative.
Our Passion Mantra
Together as ONE we can RIGHT every WRONG.
At REX we dream to have 7 Billion Karmaveer Citizens across the globe who practice proactive citizenship, fulfil our fundamental duties as citizens of the world to enjoy our rights and contribute with our simple, humble ideas for action, towards achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals and Holistic Social Justice.
Our Inherent Foundational Beliefs
Individual Social Responsibility of citizens is prime, because in the history of India and the world it has always been the Few Concerned Citizens who have BEEN and LED THE CHANGE. These few Karmaveers led change by igniting ACTION AGAINST APATHY and mobilised other citizens to come together for reclaiming and preserving our democratic values, fundamental rights & duties as given to ourselves in our constitution and Republic (which means People Rule).
We believe in celebrating the POWER OF ONE, individually and collectively because “We the People are we the Power”. We sincerely, humbly BELIEVE & KNOW that, we as an organization or the few people involved with the movement, cannot RIGHT every WRONG by ourselves. Thus we have created this movement to bring together, people from all over the globe and create collective energy for change. You and I alone may be unable to RIGHT every WRONG but “Together as ONE we can RIGHT every WRONG”.
It is not mindless, arrogant charity but humble involved social justice that is wanting in our world.
We need to value learning, knowledge & traditional Eastern wisdom and best practices from western philosophy as our real wealth and award.
Innovative Ideas for Action can lead the change in our society, nation and world by creating awareness about the need for everyone’s integral involvement to make a real difference.
REX KARMAVEER GLOBAL FELLOWSHIP and LEADERSHIP is a personal choice, built inside out on a foundation of character. We shall always do the RIGHT thing and stand up to speak out against wrongs.
That alone we may be able to Right few Wrongs in our own space & time, but TOGETHER as ONE we can RIGHT every WRONG.
That the JOY OF GIVING is not just about giving some money to some cause but about being the change by getting involved integrally with a cause.
Through WISDOM TRANSFER, KNOWLEDGE SHARING and CULTURETAINMENT we can create a positive, proactive culture in our world to INSPIRE SOLID CHARACTER and HUMANENESS through our REX KARMAVEER GLOBAL FELLOWSHIP where our CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE would influence POSITIVE CHANGE in their circles and society.
We treat every human being with equal and same respect.
We shall relentlessly work towards the greater public good, irrespective of all adverse situations we may face.
Respect for a PERSON
We uphold the dignity of every individual and value each and every person, we bond with and treat each fellow or other volunteers as true partners with mind, body, heart, spirit and soul.
Courage of Conviction
We shall stand up and speak out against all wrongs irrespective of who or what we are speaking against.
We empathise with pain of all living beings and treat each and every being with kindness.
Honesty of Purpose
We follow the REX KARMAVEER GLOBAL FELLOWSHIP credo, code and moJOsh Inspirator mindsets, virtues and powers with all honesty.
Seriousness of Intent
We seriously feel that if each human being has the right selfless intent, then together we can create a better, safer, egalitarian, just, humane and responsible society, nation and world.
We have ownership and discipline to fulfil our Individual Social Responsibility by being the change. I change to change the world.
REX core objectives
To Create Awareness about the need to practice human values and our fundamental duties as citizens of the world.
To provoke thought leadership and encourage “Citizen ACTION for PEOPLE POWER” (that is what DEMOCRACY means)” by disseminating the knowledge we churn in our forums through our network of ethically and socially likeminded citizens who we choose as our REX KARMAVEER GLOBAL FELLOWS.
To build a large global on-ground and online media mission where we share “ideas for action”.
To create an egalitarian platform which has NO VIP culture, like we have done with KARMAVEER AWARDS where people from all walks of life participate and bond with each other without any discrimination.
Create a melting pot where Thought Leaders, Noble Laureates, Champions of Change, Voices of Conscience, Missionary Entrepreneurs, Whistle Blowers, Bravehearts, Voices of Dissent, Social & Political Scientists, Activists, Eco Warriors, Students, Youth Leaders, Kidpower, Royalty, Armed Forces Soldiers , Captains of Industry, Economists, Architects, Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Entrepreneurs, Global Celebrities, Movie Stars, Sports Stars, Musicians, Entertainers & Artistes, Stand Up Comics, Playwrights , Theatrewallahs, Alternative Healers , Statesmen & Political Leaders, Civil Servants & Bureaucrats , International Diplomats, Law Makers and Cops, Peacekeepers, UN Leaders, Civil Society Leaders, Development Workers, CXOs and Corporate Executives, NGO & CBO workers, Homemakers, Educators and Academia Leaders, Tribals, Dalits, Leadership and Life Coaches , Management Consultants, CSR & HR professionals, Panchayat Leaders, Authors, International Policy Makers, Beggars, Rural Workers, Farmers, Labourers, Bus, Cab and Auto Drivers, Spiritualists, Mystics, Personal Development Gurus, Sex Workers, Slum Dwellers, Government Officials, Advertising & Media , HIV Positive People, Disabled people, Professionals, Journalists & Editors, Slum Dwellers, Left Out Children, Filmmakers, Global Citizens, Volunteers , Reformers and many others from different sectors and spaces including People from Government, Educational & Bilateral / Multilateral Institutions, Industry Associations, UN, NGOs, CBOs, PE, Microfinance/ Insurance, Advertising and others come together to find ways to collaborate and make a difference in our world. (People from our partner organizations like TiE, NASSCOM, RAI, CII, FICCI, UN, USAID, DFID, GIZ, SDC and other International Funding organization and Corporate Foundations have also been attending over the years and have collaborated and created sustainable partnerships with REX KARMAVEER GLOBAL FELLOWS and KARMAVEER AWARD recipients).
To churn shared learning, knowledge and “thought leadership for positive change” towards enabling wisdom transfer so that anyone around the world can replicate the ideas for action.
Raise funds ethically & efficiently from conscientious & principled institutions/organizations and institutions to build in sustainability, replicability and scalability for the REX mission and for programs led by REX KARMAVEER GOBAL FELLOWS.
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